Saturday, 29 November 2008

Renault Mégane

The honour of first fnord goes to something I saw last night on one of my rare telly-watching sessions, the new advert for the Renault Mégane.

This 30-second film is a fnordian epic of almost biblical proportions in its emotive manipulation.

"Remember when you said. . ." leads the watcher into a warm, fuzzy state of amusing nostalgia, as does the comfortable background song. By its use of common experiences we are led into the belief that we were young, wild and a bit daft, but these were good times. We're better now and look back on those days with fondness.

Just like the man on the advert we are older and more responsible now, and yes, handsome too! And so we must drive a Renault Mégane, for that is what we are! It's time to change!

Notice that the advert tells you absolutely nothing whatsoever about the actual car.

My nomination for evil, manipulation fnord-ejaculating bastards of the day go to Renault, and the people they employed to make that advert.
