Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Doors and Windows.

The second of today's fnords is almost as daft as the last, or would be if it wasn't scaring the vulnerable. I spotted this one whilst waiting with my daughter in the local health centre, a place frequented by the old and unwell.
It was a poster by Greater Manchester Police

The poster was in the standard colours of alarm - the background was black and the text was mostly yellow and orange (like bees and wasps - who says we don't learn from nature?)
It contained a picture of the palm of a hand (as if pushed into your face) and the word "STOP!"

Basically, it was telling me to make sure my doors and windows are locked before I go out.

Bit late, really, considering I'm already out. But, nevertheless, good advice for next time.
Why so? Because, as the poster says, "1 in 3 burglaries happen when doors and windows are left open"

Wow! That's alarming (or is it the colours of the poster?). What an appalling figure!

One teeny question, though: If 1 in 3 burglaries happen when doors and windows are left open, doesn't that mean that the other 2 happen when the doors and windows are closed?
According to these figures, twice as many secured homes are burgled than unsecured ones.

Now I'm really worried.

"Fetch me my gun, Ma! I'm gonna sleep in the armchair from now on"



Anonymous said...

To further add to the statistical fnord barf - based on current figures and the claims of the National Statistics website - it is impossible to be healthy, free from mental health and outside of the criminal justice system.


Anonymous said...

time is an illusion